4 or 8 Week Workplace Mindfulness Course

Compassionate Mindful Resilience Course (4 weeks)

CMR creatively delivers evidence-based long-term and sustainable teaching of mindfulness and compassion to build resilience in individuals and throughout the whole organisation. Over four two hour sessions you will be introduced to a selection of short practices that allow you to bring self-care to yourself and those you work with. Excellent for building emotional intelligence within a team or organisation.

“I have become more accepting of emotions that I would previously have classified as unwanted or negative, or ones to get rid of. I no longer feel I have to feel a certain way and it is okay however I am feeling. This has helped me to come to terms with very painful experiences that I would previously have suppressed.”


Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (8 weeks)

Developed at Oxford University, this course offers a powerful way to bring change to your life. Effective for issues around anxiety and stress it offers tools to find a new way to relate to difficulties and feel more empowered. Over the 8 weeks gain a thorough experience of how to apply mindfulness to your life. Explore areas where you are caught in automatic and repetitive behaviour and find new ways to engage with your life. These sessions work with a group of between 5 – 18 participants.

“This course was very powerful and has been life changing. It has really helped me to focus on the ‘Here and now’ rather than getting caught up in ruminative thinking. I have a tendency to worry about the future and about events which have not yet occurred and this was making me feel very stressed. Applying the techniques and mindfulness strategies I learnt on the course I feel better able to cope and although I still feel anxious this tends to diminish more quickly.”