Why is it so hard to love ourself?

I’ve been teaching the Loving Kindness practice in the mornings on YouTube and chatting with the people coming to the session has revealed how many people find it hard to feel this love for themselves. It feels much easier for them […]

Being A Friend to Yourself

I’ve recently been noticing a lot of anxiety in my response to having met a man at a Summer festival I was at a few weeks ago. One of the reasons I don’t date is that it always takes me […]

What Does Homosexuality Offer To The Tribe?

Each week in the gay men’s mindfulness class we finish with the Loving Kindness practice. Loving Kindness grows from a sense of our wish for our well being and happiness. To truly wish for one’s own happiness we need a deep sense of our own value and worth. […]

It’s just a story

Two weeks ago I looked at the bookings for the 8 week mindfulness course that was due to start in a fortnight: two people. Usually by that point the course would be over half booked, with the remaining few places going […]