Remembering to love ourselves

Summary: The inner tyrant of low-self worth can feel so true, but it is only an opinion in our mind. We can reflect: “thoughts are not facts”, or say to ourselves “it’s just a story” as we then hold our experience […]

Can Mindfulness Meditation Improve Memory?

Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology Erika Nyhus and Isabella Vakkur, have released the initial findings for their research into whether  mindfulness improves memory. Nyhus’s research project is focusing specifically on source memory, which is how we contextualize our memories. For instance, […]

Creating Yourself

Last week I wrote of how I wanted to take action to step into my life as a self-employed mindfulness teacher, rather than stand at the edge of the court prevaricating about jumping in. Perhaps it was writing this  that prompted me, […]

Deep listening – to oneself

Last week I was discussing deep listening to another as one sits silently attending to what one can hear them say rather than going into thinking about what to say in response. This last week I had an experience of […]

Deep listening

What is it like as we talk to another? What is our automatic way of being in a conversation? How often as we listen  is part of our attention on what we need to say next rather than fully taking […]

Thoughts are not facts

Before Christmas I met a man at a party. Shortly after we started talking a man came up and was introduced as his boyfriend. I was a little disappointed as I had found him attractive, but that was that. We […]

How changing your posture can change your behaviour

Some years ago I remember seeing a fascinating set of drawings of how chimps change their posture as they become increasingly distressed, sad or emotionally overwhelmed. The postures they adopt look very familiar – arms crossed, body hunched, making themselves […]

To sleep perchance to dream

Lucid Dreaming – step into your mind and explore! As a child I always struggled to get to sleep and it would take ages before I was finally exhausted enough slowly to sink into sleep. As a result I was very aware of […]