Donations for disaster relief in Beirut

Many of you will have heard on the news the disaster that has occurred in Beirut. As well as the destruction caused by the explosion itself, and life lost, there will be ongoing hardship as the port has been destroyed. Lebanon imports […]

Needs and Wants

Last weekend I was on a new two day course for gay men called “Who Am I”. I led a meditation session at the start of the Saturday session and then participated for the rest of the workshop. As gay men we […]

Productivity and home working

Really interesting programme on Radio 4 exploring productivity whilst working from home. Firstly what is productivity? At its simplest it’s the amount of work or goods a worker produces per hour. The premise is that if you can raise the […]

2 minutes to reduce stress and manage a panic attack

For mental health week, a simple practice for dealing with stress, the 4-7-8 breathing meditation.  Taking only a few minutes it promotes a sense of calm by lowering blood pressure. The practice can be helpful for anxiety-related sleep problems by […]

Loving Ourselves As a Whole

Yesterday I listened to a guided Loving Kindness a friend sent me that he had led for an online group. Moustafa Abdelrahman led the meditation in a way that I found really refreshing. Traditionally the practice moves from self, to a good […]

Introduction to mindfulness

Guided bodyscan and mindfulness practice. This practice invites you to rest deeply into any sense of ease, bliss and rapture you may be feeling as you bring your attention to rest in the present moment. If you notice more difficult […]